Meet Shelby Johnson

Shelby Johnson

Associate Director of Membership

Shelby Johnson is a farmer and forager with a passion for deeply collaborative models of community engagement based around our shared love of the land. With deep family roots in Atlanta, Georgia and Asheville, North Carolina, Shelby is dedicated to uplifting and preserving the unique culture of the South. Following completing her degree at Georgia State University, Shelby dove headfirst into learning and working in various settings related to sustainable agriculture, beginning her journey on a permaculture farm. Shelby’s experiences in agriculture lead her on a journey through many different styles of land engagement, ranging from mid-scale organic production, to a 350 member CSA farm, small scale culinary production, and non-profit educational based agriculture. Each of her working experiences provided a deepening of her understanding of working with the land in a specific context, and broadened her farming expertise. 

Ultimately, Shelby’s experiences as a farmer have imparted to her an understanding and honor of the intimate webs that hold all of us – whether we be human, fungi, plant, insect, animal, or otherwise – together. Believing that the only future we can guarantee is the one we mutually create, Shelby is dedicated to supporting her community in meaningful ways through the lens of regenerative agriculture.